In the Escape This Book! series, YOU are the star of history! Doodle your way through adventures as you decide the best path for survival. Don’t be afraid to rip or fold a page. . . . Your escape may depend on it!...Read more
Activity book meets adventure in this series that is Choose Your Own Adventure meets I Survived meets doodle book! Doodle, decide, and demolish you–the perfect book for fun and educational summer reading!
Reader, beware! Once you open this book, there is no turning back. You will have three chances to survive the Titanic‘s fateful voyage. Decide which path to take first.
Passenger: Exploring the ship is fun! Just don’t get caught on the wrong deck when there’s an iceberg ahead!
Crew Member: You work for a family in first class. Can you persuade them to save you along with their beloved dog?
Stowaway: You snuck onto this ship. Can you draw your way onto a lifeboat?
In the Escape This Book! series, YOU are the star of history! Doodle your way through adventures as you decide the best path for survival. Don’t be afraid to rip or fold a page. . . . Your escape may depend on it!